Design book hints found in unusual places

Lars Pind is an entrepreneur in the Copenhagen Internet business climate. A force to reckon with, he founded the company Collaboraid, which won the Startup of the Year award at the conference reboot 6 in 2003. Their website’s jobs section has interesting literature tips:

> These books are considered required reading, because they
> explain the values that we believe in and work by.
> **The
> inmates are running the asylum
** by Alan Cooper because we want
> to make people happy, not make them feel stupid.
> **Visual
> Explanations
** by Edward Tufte, because we like being easy to
> comprehend.

Black Diamond exterior

After reading that, I went to the Royal Library’s homepage, found both books, booked the first one (I’ll get it later this year, perhaps coinciding with a period of time when I have the time to read things!), and saw that Tufte’s book was for reading in the Royal Library only. Cool, sitting in the Black Diamond, reading design philosophy. I could get used to that.

Click the image too see fancy shots of the Black Diamond.

Published by Olle Jonsson

Human. Wears glasses and often a smile.

2 replies on “Design book hints found in unusual places”

  1. Both Tufte and the Black Diamond rock! Autumn and I skulked around in there – it was a pilgrimage.

    In a similar vein I recommend Christopher Alexander’s A PATTERN LANGUAGE and, perhaps even more obliquely, Stewart Brand’s HOW BUILDINGS LEARN.

  2. I started reading a chunk of my copy of A Pattern Language the other day. Its chapter on design for pubs is brilliant.

    When I was through reading that, I turned the page and saw their gushing thoughts on how motels should be turned into travellers’ inns. The picture was of men from the 1700s smoking pipe in front of a huge fireplace. From the ceiling: smoked ham.

    Extra bonus: A Pattern Language for the busy executive. Just the “chunks”, not the infilling detail. Good for refreshing your pattern remembrance.

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