Django: Python web framework of the minute

More frameworks that map relational databases to rich object-oriented models! Today’s news is a Python framework. It’s been developed during two years for use at a newspaper in Kansas.

Read more in the real description: Django at a glance tells the short of it, and Simon Willison says more at his weblog.

You create a data description (kind of like an SQL table schema but with additional information about validation rules and interface widgets) and load it in to Django. Django then creates the database tables, model classes and a comprehensive web-based administration interface for your site’s staff. All that’s left for you to do manually is the code for the public site, which is generally a case of writing a few lines of controller code, configuring some URLs and knocking out some templates.

A bit like Paul M Jones’ PEAR class DB_Table where you describe the data structure in your program, and have the database knit together after that.

Published by Olle Jonsson

Human. Wears glasses and often a smile.

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