Bradley Taylor (of [Railsmachine]( hosting fame) said this on [the excellent Mongrel mailing list](
“Just use these bash functions and put them in your .bashrc
cluster\_restart () { mongrel\_rails cluster::restart -C /etc/ mongrel\_cluster/$1.yml; } cluster\_start () { mongrel\_rails cluster::start -C /etc/ mongrel\_cluster/$1.yml; } cluster\_stop () { mongrel\_rails cluster::stop -C /etc/mongrel\_cluster/$1.yml; } usage: $ cluster_start fluxura
([See the thread in the archives](
That is, when someone asked about if it wasn’t possible to just have a command, and that it’d be cool if Mongrel had such a simple command, he shows code.
Also, the example’s great.
* The $1
to access the first argument to the function call, and that
* you don’t need to put in any parameter lists in the functions, and that
* its control structures looks mostly like any C-like language.
I feel kickstarted by this. Thanks, Bradley.