Copenhagen.rb meeting notes

Update: photos by Pelle.

Syndication with AtomPub, APP and GData… and Rails

Olle Jonsson “explores” some things you would want to do with Atom… and how Rails enables you to do it.

Update: My somewhat confused slides now available (PDF).

DHH on ActiveResource

…and then I got lucky, and David was able to give us “how to do all this painlessly in Rails.”

David HH presented the new ActiveResource stuff. Edge, plugins. “Undecided”, still, about if it’ll be in the standard distribution.

Suffix the URL with .xml (or any format your app responds_to!)

GET /posts/1.xml
POST /posts/1.xml {POST payload}

Clarifiction: The last line there, the POST payload, is not a Ruby block, it is what you send as the body of the HTTP request.

We saw the MIME-type format list that Rails’ ActiveResource can output. I missed the JSON format, mentioned it, and David showed how it would be simple to add JSON support to ActiveResource.

Let us cook that up! And David showed:

  • Register a new JSON mime-type
  • respond_to {} the :json, and spit that out
  • make .to_json()

There must be a plugin for this. And there is, we were informed.

Don’t Trust Yourself with Your Users’ Data

Pelle B. tells it like it is, and provides a plugin called EzCrypto. Short, simple presentation, very good. And also, notes on a couple of new developments from the productive programmer: secret URLs as a plugin.

JRuby at a glance

Teaser-like presentation (‘Part I’) by Morten Ch. from Aarhus.


Published by Olle Jonsson

Human. Wears glasses and often a smile.

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