Rubygems now features ‘Skip this gem’ in installation

Ruby’s code-distribution mechanism Rubygems is being released in a new version real soon, and some small useful features are already in the RCs. Like “Skip this gem”, which makes it possible to skip a single update, but continue with the rest of the set of updates for your gems. Here is a demonstration of just that:

$ sudo gem up -y
Updating installed gems...
Need to update 25 gems from
Attempting remote update of sqlite3-ruby
Select which gem to install for your platform (powerpc-darwin8.8.0)
 1. sqlite3-ruby 1.2.0 (mswin32)
 2. sqlite3-ruby 1.2.0 (ruby)
 3. sqlite3-ruby (ruby)
 4. sqlite3-ruby (mswin32)
 5. sqlite3-ruby (ruby)
 6. sqlite3-ruby (mswin32)
 7. Skip this gem
 8. Cancel installation
> 2
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed sqlite3-ruby-1.2.0
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.0...
Gems: [sqlite3-ruby] updated

Pretty damn necessary.


Published by Olle Jonsson

Human. Wears glasses and often a smile.

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