Speaking at RuPy conference in Poland

Hey! Even more Ruby crap. They said yes. The RuPy conference (at Adam M University, in Poznan, Poland) wants me to run a RubyGems tutorial. To make it a pleasant event, I’ve started thinking about how to make Win32 users comfortable. Anyone of my readers using Ruby on Windows? What I want my co-tutorialists (tutees?) …

readrails alias to open Textmate with the Rails gems source code

Now that Rails 1.2 is out, and you switched to using the gems instead of Edge, you might find yourself having “a hard time” searching the Rails source code. Enter: a Bash alias to opening the Rails source in Textmate. # readrails – an alias to open Textmate with the Rails source from Gems # …

The adventure continues: New job, with Ruby

Kumputunturi Originally uploaded by sushipumpum. And Javascript. And all the rest a web developer does. Now I commute to Malmoe, Sweden, to do this. I love it. A great team, here at Polar Rose. I’ll post more on my progress and that when I get around to it. This is just the post which says …

Ruby and libxml: Collect your XML::Node::Set

Use collect and map in Ruby says Lucas Carlson. Thanks for pointing out that code arthritis, Lucas. So, I was working with the libxml-ruby library (fast XML parsing) and found some loops in my code which could be converted. But, XML::Node::Set did not support collect. I mumbled something inaudible, grabbed the Pickaxe book, found the …

Go snippet away, Rubyboy

Just started my morning with fixing a personal annoyance with the current Rails distribution I am using with Ruby 1.8.5: warning messages about deprecated syntax. All I did was heed the advice in the warnings and edit all the when and else control structures that were using colons to using semi-colons. After that, my Rails …

Delicious integrates with many services

IMG_1224 Originally uploaded by joshua. The bookmarking service Del.icio.us has done quite a few “incremental changes” since I started using it. As has photo service Flickr. Here are two very small, but context-adding betterments that I like a lot. Flickr’s small context-enhancers: more functional tags. Now Flickr sports a few tags that behave in a …

Ruby rockstars in Copenhagen, again

Cph.rb had one more visiting rockstar. Thanks for coming, folks, and thanks for presenting, Obie! Update: Jesper‘s photos. We did the most of Kassen as an impromptu conference space. There were a large table of guys from Cph.rb, and I got to meet well-known faces, hear some rumours, yammer on about Erlang (my programming language …