Learning more Haskell

(Minor update: Removed a double-quote too much. Darn [AutoPairs](http://www.jwwalker.com/pages/autopairs.html). Maybe it can be configured.) [Jamis Buck](http://jamis.jamisbuck.org/articles/2005/10/30/learning-haskell) brought me back on track with learning Haskell: I have had the [Yet Another Haskell Tutorial PDF](http://www.isi.edu/~hdaume/htut/) on my laptop for ages, but those things don’t read themselves. A sidenote: using Haskell feels loads more natural to me compared …

Copenhagen.rb loosely coupled

In a comment here, Jesper said: > This may be a good place to mention that Jakob Skjerning set up the [Copenhagen Rails mailing list](http://lists.substancelab.com/mailman/listinfo/copenhagen.rb) (in Danish). Perhaps it even deserves a blog post. [Jakob](http://mentalized.net/) says (translated from Danish): > We picked the name Copenhagen.rb after some thought. Primarily since it’s a well-spread way of …

Live report from the meetup (like a true geek)

**Update:** spelling, adding details, names, URLs. Sitting at the Copenhagen meetup, like some kind of backchannel geek. Typing. (There were five wireless networks around me, so I didn’t need the password to the bar where we sit. Quite a nice location, a quiet, loungy upstairs. I guess this post will be updated more than once. …

Rails meetup, tomorrow (29 July)!

Wow, wow, wow. We’ll talk about Rails, we’ll do high-fives, and go to that café. It’ll be fun. [Jesper](http://justaddwater.dk) raises a few questions in his blog post about Rails thoughts, and in the comments section [Casper Fabricius](http://www.kraftvaerk.net/index.php?id=298) points to stuff he picked up at [RailsConf](http://www.railsconf.org/). The little, fast Ruby web server [Mongrel](http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/)’s bigger than before. …

Textmate’s becoming my emacs

I am now typing this from [Textmate](http://macromates.com/), the Mac-only text-editing tool. I’m mighty pleased with Textmate, and now that [Tobias](http://blog.wrigstad.com/) pointed me to its Blogging bundle, more of my blogging will be done like this, from my favorite editor. *Update:* Trouble hit me with the tagging part. Perhaps the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin and the …

Rob’s childhood food description: Future of roleplaying texts?

[Robert Paterson](http://smartpei.typepad.com/) writes about [the food of his just-post-war British childhood](http://smartpei.typepad.com/robert_patersons_weblog/2006/06/recalled_to_lif.html), in a lovely voice. *This* is how roleplaying game texts should read. And, at the end of it, a simple axiom for how to play. (Is it < 800 words? Danish rpg convention Fastaval had a "daily magazine" this year, with a less-than-800-words scenario …

Ruby on Rails meetup in Copenhagen

At Reboot, I was at a Ruby on Rails session called “Railways”, hosted by Jarkko Laine. A pleasant talky session which had the ostensible goal of introducing newcomers to old hands, to generate conversation. Danish Railser [Jesper](http://justaddwater.dk/2006/06/06/reboot8-roundup/) summed it up, and he and [Jakob Skjerning](http://mentalized.net/) (“aka Mentalized”, as the Danes will say, not believing you’ll …

Microformats, from your blog

So, you write about an upcoming event, so that your readership will know about it. Some read it, some miss it. The online event aggregators never heard about your weblog, and when they scanned it, they saw nothing but regular HTML. [Structured Blogging](http://structuredblogging.org/) has the tools to help those aggregators. By enhancing your “Write Post” …

Your comments, followed: using coComment

Now, this blog is using [coComment](http://cocomment.com), to make my blog comments elsewhere visible to you folks, complete with their own RSS feed. (Service is free, simple, etc etc.) Privacy? I missed the JP Rangaswami presentation at Reboot, but it seemed like one the interesting ones (just test it with the surname litmus test: 10/10 – …