Techie cultural goodness

My Malmö buddy Isak blogs, too. In the tracked-back post here, he tells about Martin Fowler‘s idea of post-modern programming. Mr. Fowler is a computer book author, and he wrote Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, a nice book. It made me find a great list of “refactoring smells”, which is Fowler-speak for indications …

Defibrillators now in the Copenhagen metro

There are now defibrillators, for public use, in the metros in Copenhagen. The public is important in saving lives, or something to that effect. Will the machines be used for pranks? Will they work? Will the public understand the machines? Will they “play heroes”? Make up your own mind about this, because when your own …

James Ellroy Interview

I currently read James Ellroy, and he delivers in interviews: “Parenthetically, it’s very odd that on the past few trips to Britain, I’m continually questioned about Quentin Tarantino, who I think is a fatuous child. I think Reservoir Dogs is garbage and the forty minutes of Pulp Fiction that I saw is most excruciatingly naive …

Malmö: Computer game development and marriage stories

Me and the SO went to Malmö this weekend. Lovely. Met my GM Tomas in Malmö, and he told me about his new project: to become a game developer. “I used to want to become a game programmer, now I am becoming one.” So, I decided to get deeper into the question, first by looking …