A disciplined method to fix Rubocop TODOs

Here, a listicle of advice you never asked for! A method to locate and fix linting errors in Rubocop one at a time: choose a “cop” from the .rubocop_todo.yml file remove the line which includes the .rubocop_todo.yml rubocop –only Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier fix issues and test fixes with the –only invocation rubocop –auto-gen-config to regenerate the .rubocop_todo.yml …

Ruby: Rubocop-friendly Hash pretty-printer

You’re desperate. Your legacy code-generation code outputs a Hash using hash#to_s. You’ve flouted many Rubocop rules to get to where you are. Suddenly, it gets too much. You search the Web for a pretty-print function that you want: a Rubocop-friendly Hash pretty-printer. Empty-handed, you cough up blood, while a police car’s red-blue lights flicker in …