Now that Rails 1.2 is out, and you switched to using the gems instead of Edge, you might find yourself having “a hard time” searching the Rails source code. Enter: a Bash alias to opening the Rails source in Textmate.
# readrails - an alias to open Textmate with the Rails source from Gems
# You need the GEM_HOME folder set to where your gems are (this is for portability)
# export GEM_HOME=/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 # this is my GEM_HOME setting
export GEMSFOLDER="${GEM_HOME}/gems/"
alias readrails="e ${GEMSFOLDER}rails-1.2.1 ${GEMSFOLDER}activerecord-1.15.1 ${GEMSFOLDER}actionwebservice-1.2.1 ${GEMSFOLDER}activesupport-1.4.0"
If the above is garbled, see this paste.
Problem in the above: the version numbers. They increase with each new release of these gems. A more polished version of this alias could look at the version numbers after the last dash, and figure out what version to use.
Update! Stop the presses!
Jonas B just made my thing lots better, by invoking Rubygems itself!
I wrapped his couple of lines into my alias, like this:
# readrails 0.2 - an alias to open Textmate with the Rails source from Gems
alias readrails="mate `ruby -rubygems -e "puts( ['rails', 'activerecord', 'actionwebservice', 'actionpack', 'activesupport'].collect { |gem| gems = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem); gems.last.full_gem_path; }.join(' '))"`"
And I pasted it at: — this is getting better and better.
If you’d like to make it better still, just work Jonas’ original error-checking into the above as well:
paths = ['rails', 'activerecord', 'actionwebservice', 'activesupport'].collect do |gem|
gems = Gem.source_index.find_name gem
raise "gem '#{gem}' not found" if gems.empty?
paths.join ' '