Listening to a guy in a red t-shirt. He talks about Debian package structure. People ask questions. He is reading from a tiny-font control
configuration file. Not so good for my concentration. But, he has a good voice, at least it has some melody.
Yeah, a big corporation in search donated a Moleskine notebook in the goodie bag. In my coat pocket, I found some Sponge-Bob Squarepants stickers.
Talked about Istanbul with Bergie (you pronounce it like “burrdgie”). He schooled me on some facts: It’s the third largest city in the world. 15 million people. One third of the city is in Europe, the rest in Asia. He said that Orhan Pamuk‘s book about the city opened his eyes to some things. I am half-way through it. Pretty good stuff, but I’m mainly interested in the personal story about his complicated family.
About the conference generally: People here are friendly, but the conference has no centre. In space, I mean. Where you all go. Agora. Meeting place. Well. I’ll go around and be friendly now.