I’d been dismissive, even reluctant, about all this laser-cutting and engraving with laser. Until today. The beams were quite persuasive.
Got my first hit of “foxic tumes” today, as the huge behemoth that 1scale1 co-bought fired its way through the plexiglass I’d bought the day before.
The behemoth was Hong Kong-bought, came with no support, and very little documentation (150 pages of incorrect data; photos of defunkt, non-delivered parts) – but the price was not to argue about. There was another Swedish university-level institution that owned another machine from the company, and were happy with it.
If you’re not geek, this laser meme is as huge as brit-pop was when I was younger and dumber.
The significance is: soon they’re done fiddling with it, and know the settings. That will mean pay-per-cut laser work.