
I was just insulted. By a paperback. The book that insulted me was “Five equations that changed the world” by a Dr. Michael Guillen in 1995.

His psychologizing take on Newton’s youth was demeaning to the reader’s intellectual capacity, and after having experienced the Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson, which contains quite a lot of newtoniana, Guillen’s baby-talk was… grating. Luckily I was able to put the book down after the insulting five pages of Newton-talk.

Instead I picked up the next book that my friend, the Fortran expert, lent me: a memoir of Richard Feynman. It shows verve and storytelling promise. Have you read Feynman? Any thoughts?

Published by olleolleolle

Olle is a programmer, enjoying sunny Malmö in Sweden.

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1 Comment

  1. Stephenson is tough act to follow. Incidentally, I just finished Quicksilver, and the the copy of the book was the one I got from you a few years ago, when you where giving away books (thanks again :-)).

    Feynman is great. I went to Caltech where he taught after WW2 and encountred quite a bit of Feynman trivia. I can recommend this Google video interview.

    There is also this lovely essay by Danny Hillis that I recommend to any computer scientist.

    I recommend the anecdotes on


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