Posting from Lynx, so I will probably lose many of my edits.
Today, we battled a Windows installation inside a Mac. Using elderly device drivers was entertaining: “Get values” meant load the full hardware configuration from the hardware. “Modify” was a button that wanted you to first select the label of a property, then press that button.
To finally upload the configuration, you press “Set”.
Terse and sweet.
A TODO: If you, like I do, use the K2 theme, just update to a nightly.
If you’re into text mode browsers, you really should have a look at elinks. So much better than Lynx :-)
Yeah, but today, better is not… better. Mostly, I wanted Swedish chars in lynx. (And I got that.)
elinks was an OK experience.
Now, someone called on a local DECT phone, very exciting.
Try w3m, or better yet, emacs-w3m as well:
Emacs-w3m is really neat if you read a lot of RSS feeds in Gnus.
There is also a lot to be said about links2, which has image support: