CPH street art & Flickr

A local posting on the steet art giant Huskmitnavn in Copenhagen.

You can take a look at representations of his/her posters at Flickr (Photos tagged with huskmitnavn).

Huskmitnavn (rememberMyName it would read in English in studlyCaps) makes three to five campaigns a year.

Spices up the walls. The posters are large, never square.

I joined the flickr group Copenhagen, to make it easier to illustrate what I was talking about, when referring to something local. We’ll see how that works out.

Random act of kindness

**Tusen og en nat**. Falafel. 3 DKK discount. Of a 20 DKK price tag. Vesterbrogade.

That’s all I could write on my way home from the nightclub Vega on the after-party of Reboot 7. A gesture of hospitality from a stranger. A random act of kindness. I was so elated that I afterwards helped others’ bikes by putting them in an upright position.

The Mother of all Demos

At day one of [Reboot](http://reboot.dk) I saw a part of the movie The Mother of all Demos, which was a Doug Engelbart demo of a funky system.

Just take a look at the organ-style keypad to the left of the keyboard in the linked picture above.

When a chord was struck on that *code organ*, notes (or beeps at least) would be heard, and then some command sequence would be emitted on-screen. Ain’t that slick?

After Reboot

OK, I came home after the reboot conference, which was an exhausting if uplifting experience.

All I can think of to blog about is:

* wearing more unisex clothes, like the sarong
* making the “Hi Mom” guide to getting away from the Hinternet, and start using the Net more

And I used flickr, see here. Got to put all the tools I encounter to some more real use. Just me knowing about them is not nearly good enough.

Job opening: Entertainer

My friend Robert Snorrasson, [**robactor** at **yahoo** daaaht **com**] the actor, has a job for you. I’ll get you in touch, if you feel up to it.

The job is as an onboard entertainer on a ferry. I’ll just include Robert’s letter here.

> Hey friends.

> As you know, I work on the DFDS **ferry** “Pearl of
> Scandinavia”, which sails **between Copenhagen and Oslo**. Continue reading “Job opening: Entertainer”