Theatre of the political kind

Yesterday evening me and my Luisa went to see our friends in Livingstone’s Kabinet, who were doing a theatre show called **Once Upon a Time: Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Circus**.

We got free tickets, as Luisa knows the director, the band and the owners of the theatre venue, and because she’s so lovely.

The programme says the show’s based on “Calamity Jane’s left-behind letters”. The star of the show was not the band, but an actor called Andrea Vagn Jensen. (Tall, thin and good-looking. This has some importance, as we shall se later on, dear reader.)

At one point Nina holds up a sign used earlier in the show, turns it around and reveals that it says on the back. She tells us what the site is about; yeah, the Rapture, as 15% of the American population (and 30% of Republican voters) believe it’s going to happen.

Published by Olle Jonsson

Human. Wears glasses and often a smile.