Dustin Diaz tells about Yahoo Event Utility which is the addEvent killer of all time. If you do serious Javascripting these days, please, do yourself a favour, and read that piece. Slowly. You might find drool on your chin afterwards. Then, go get the Event Utility. You owe to yourself. You deserve it.
And, be sure to get Firebug, while you are at it. It is Firefox-only debugging nirvana. Just exhale, and see the internals of your web apps. (And others’ web apps, as well.)
The times they are a’changing. I love today’s stuff. Be safe out there. Me: back to the cave.
I saw your trackback on Dustin Diaz’s blog. Thanks for the nod to the Firebug extension. I had no idea it existed and it’s gonna make my life soo much better.