All ye readers who yearn to learn Danish, here is the novel you could read: Brøndjætten by Dennis Gade Kofod. I’ll hook you up with a copy, if needed.
Danish paper Politiken’s book section is happy about Dennis’ new book — his second novel — and the text concludes:
Dennis Gade Kofod er født i 1976. Hvis han bliver endnu bedre med årene, har vi læsere sandelig meget at glæde os til.
And in International, worldwide English, for you Danish learners out there:
Dennis Gade Kofod was born in 1976. If he gets even better with the years, us readers truly have a lot to look forward to.
Cheers, Dennis.
Update: Images of the artist as a young man.
Looks excellent. I grew up on Bornholm. Hook me up, hook me up!!!