OK, it is that time of the year: you get to be in a grand group of interesting people, and doing a micropresentation (on anything!).
BarCamps are everywhere, and this, the third one, on Saturday 22 November, should be excellent. Go to the BarCamp Copenhagen page, and sign up for it. I’ll be there.
A special, from-10-o’clock extra session has been organized by Kim Bach and Mark Wubben, so if you are going to that, please tell them, via Kim’s firstname.lastname@gmail.com. OK, then. See you!
Sorry I bascially missed your session :-(, even though I did butt in (yay participation and I can make some noise ;-)), just by coincidence this happened yesterday: Trying to explain what a “hacker” is to my uncle requires more than pointing him to the Wikipedia article :-)
I carried a GPS device on the entire “scavenger hunt” held before BarCamp Copenhagen last week, and I’ve converted that file into a format that can be opened in Google Earth or Google Maps. It was quite a walk – our team covered over 4 km walking around Copenhagen.
To download the file to open it in Google Earth: http://deneut.com/barcamp_copenhagen_scavenger_hunt.kml
Or, click on this link to open the file in Google Maps:
Jack DeNeut