Proposed subtitle: “Ease into Prototype.”
You started using the [Prototype JS lib]( everyone was talking about. Everyone was doing AJAX stuff, animating little boxes, and you did not have the time for that. You had a day job.
But then one day: a use case appeared. You inserted some stuff in the HTML, in a form validation. This was the form:
You had decided! This form was to be checked and validated using some neat JS stuff in Prototype. You included it:
And in the Javascript function `check_this_baby()`, you had this:
` var labeltext = "Fill that out, too!";` ` if (!Field.present("idcity"))` `{` `new Insertion.After('idcity', labeltext); ` `}` `if (!Field.present("idstreet"))` `{` `new Insertion.After('idstreet', labeltext); ` `}`
See! It does an INSERTION of labeltext, after the element with given ID. But only if there is anything present in the fields with given ID. (The Field.present() can even return true/false when given a list of elements! I love that little guy.)
But the next time you activated the above, the page wrote the labeltext again. `Fill that out again!Fill that out again!` Looked bad.
So you add a class to the STRONG element:
` var labeltext = "Fill ` `that out, too!";`
This enabled you to use the new `getElementsByClassName` thing of Prototype. It returns a list of elements that have given class name on them. We did this to remove the labeltext text before looking at the form again:
`var lbls = document.getElementsByClassName("removable");` ` for (i=0; iAs you can see the Prototype library does a few things Just Right. Read the finer details at the [Unofficial docs for Prototype](