Here is a list of very simple bugs to fix, to make PEAR better: Deprecation bugs for PEAR code. I fixed two. The list was a wee bit shorter when I reloaded its tab. How many of these bugs remain?
Tag Archives: PHP
php-internals, this Tuesday
If you’re a PHP user, you might want to follow the php-internals talk. But it’s a very talky mailing list. So, “follow” it. From afar. My medicine is to go to the web interface like once a month, and just look at the interesting headings. “We have packaged PHP 5.3.0beta1! Go test-run your PHP apps. …
Calling an XML-RPC method (PHP, Ruby)
Calling web services. Great fun when it works. Thanks to XML-RPC’s simplicity, it’s quite easy to cobble together a working client. Here is me using the Technorati “ping” service, which tells them about the Copenhagen Ruby Brigade’s weblog being updated. And then, prints the result. My PHP take on this looks klutzy. But the request …