stop press – Nina von Rüdiger and Joc Koljonen create manga album named Oblivion High

Watch a 30-seconds teaser video for the soon-to-be-released manga (comic book, you know) Oblivion High. Yes, Nina, that perky web-and-illustration person you met when I used to live in Stockholm, sometimes with Jonas Bohlin nearby, or Joc Koljonen. That Nina. Yes, it appears this is a real Japanese-style teen romance manga set in Upplands Väsby, Sweden.

Made in Sweden. OK, no, it’s made in “Finlands-Sverige”, by two Fenno-Swedes. Joc wrote the script, Nina made the pictures.

According to Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat, the story will be published as five (!) consecutive albums.

It’ll be published in Finnish by Otava. (And distributed planet-wide.)

(Also, the longer trailer. Comic books have trailers with specially-composed music these days. Videos and music created by Joc’s brother, the always-awesome Max.)

Published by olleolleolle

Olle is a programmer, enjoying sunny Malmö in Sweden.

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  1. OLLLEEEEEEEEE!!!!! DUDE!!!!! Du frambringer minnen frÃ¥n en lycklig och försvunnen tid dÃ¥ internet var ungt och vi alla oskuldsfulla. Djup suck…

    Har du kvar dina stÃ¥tliga marsvin (side burns)? Jag har f ö gÃ¥tt och blivit vegan nu…

    See you!
    /Den Nina

  2. I am truly flattered by your ravings about my awesomeness. But Although I did spend some time composing a score for the trailer, the music is actually made using available loops. The trailer for the next album will have some original music, probably… You have probably heard of writers block… Composers block is way worse… But I am always awesome. That part was dead on!!!


    Max Koljonen

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