Practical: rust removal

(This is a post which had sat so long that it became… history. It has been a while since I used the magic of Evapo-Rust, but it exists, it’s there, and perhaps you should give a can of it to someone you think needs a nice birthday present.)

It entertains me to remove rust from metal things that I can use. Turning something from trash to useful is pleasing.

Like many others, I saw Canadian Youtuber Hand Tool Rescue use Evapo-Rust on his show. I was wowed. It couldn’t be that easy, nor could it be available to me, in the EU.

I’m happy to be have been wrong about that. On finding a dealer, I ordered a 5L container and studied its usage. Soak, wait, rinse. Huh. Then, reuse the liquid until it won’t activate any longer.

Get yourself a plastic container to do all this in. Perhaps a few different ones. Low, long. Wide, low. Perhaps one with higher sides, for washing rusty parts before drying them and submerging them. Well, you’ll figure out what you need. Your perception will alter. Alter to include also Stuff Your Shop Might Need.

Published by olleolleolle

Olle is a programmer, enjoying sunny Malmö in Sweden.

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