Convert character encoding of a CSV file for InDesign Data Merge

InDesign’s Data Merge feature is great. This is a video I return to, when I need to use it. There is a catch, though: the data must be in the right format for this to work with Swedish text, which has å, ä and ö. Use a spreadsheet app to make a dataset (columns and …

Ruby: Rubocop-friendly Hash pretty-printer

You’re desperate. Your legacy code-generation code outputs a Hash using hash#to_s. You’ve flouted many Rubocop rules to get to where you are. Suddenly, it gets too much. You search the Web for a pretty-print function that you want: a Rubocop-friendly Hash pretty-printer. Empty-handed, you cough up blood, while a police car’s red-blue lights flicker in …

Visited a gamefest: Nordic Game Jam 2007

Copy-party (or less aggressively, and perhaps more descriptively “demo-party”), that was the name of a weekend of mildly Dionysian digital festival here in Northern Europe during the late 80s and the 90s. *Update:* Danish radio DR1’s show Harddisken has Frederik Berg Olsen’s radio programme about NGJ07. FBO had a tape recorder with him, and made …

Rubygems now features ‘Skip this gem’ in installation

Ruby’s code-distribution mechanism Rubygems is being released in a new version real soon, and some small useful features are already in the RCs. Like “Skip this gem”, which makes it possible to skip a single update, but continue with the rest of the set of updates for your gems. Here is a demonstration of just …

Intro to J language

Via Dave, my favorite Dutch-speaking Australian Computer Scientist, I got wind of this fine J programming language introduction, written by our common acquaintance Cratylus. A short text, it goes directly into parsing how J looks, and then a bit about its operators. No speculation, just explanation. Thanks, C! And, Dave: I love the new handle-bars. …

Upcoming game developer conference – Nordic Game Jam

My dear L is now working at Diginet Øresund. This event might be of interest to you, dear reader, should you live in the Nordic countries: …Nordic Game Jam ’07, which is hosted by Diginet Øresund (my new job – I’ll be managing the event). Thought you might be interested. Or maybe you know someone …