Installing libxml-ruby for libxml2 with Ruby, on OS X

Update 2012: This material was written in 2006. Now, many years later, it still poisons the search engines with its presence. If you want to use Ruby and a package manager on OS X, you should use RVM and Homebrew. I will leave this page here as a warning to you, dear reader. Do not …

My Dashboard widget stopped working

A while ago me and my wife created a simple Dashboard widget that displayed our current amount of bonus accrued at the foodstore “club” we’re in. Since the website was just using a form which accepted member ID and PIN code, and the only thing you could do with the club website was enter see …

BarCamp here, in Copenhagen

On **17 november** at 17:00 [BarCamp Copenhagen]( begins. What’s that? Let me quote []( > BarCamp is an “ad-hoc” gathering born from the desire of people to share and learn in an open environment. The activity is very simple: > every person participating has to fill in a slot of 3 minutes for a presentation, …

Selenium on Rails: extra-special testing tool

When Obie F. was in town, he ended his talk by showing a final, extra-special productivity-boosting developer tool: Selenium on Rails. As it happens, it is our own Jonas “Danger Bay” Bengtsson who created that Rails plugin, on top of the ingenious Selenium testing software. Jonas’ own screencast is a little dated, but it shows …

Io on OS X: Get a fixed libsgml is the libsgml library with a slightly modified build sequence, to accomodate the Mac OS X need for .dylib instead of .so files. I learnt a bit on making and do my bidding, but don’t do this with your spare time. Try and download this file instead. get the fixed libsgml, unpack …