Ruby: Local Club to Join

This WednesdayTuesday, 23th of May 2006, is the second [meeting of SSRUG]( A _Clubb_ for you to join, and meet with other Ruby enthusiasts in the ‘hood. Time: 1900 hours. Place: see the above wiki link. Lennart (of _Lund Agile Languages User Group_ fame) will be there, and we’ll try and get as many heads …

Random act of kindness

**Tusen og en nat**. Falafel. 3 DKK discount. Of a 20 DKK price tag. Vesterbrogade. That’s all I could write on my way home from the nightclub Vega on the after-party of Reboot 7. A gesture of hospitality from a stranger. A random act of kindness. I was so elated that I afterwards helped others’ …