Nikolaj is living through tags

[Nikolaj Nyholm](, a Copenhagen resident, alpha geek and a guy who seems to rack up Frequent Flier points like crazy, blogs about “Living through tags”, a rather fine extension of using and other tagging services as a “data context” for places you are going or living in.

> New (temporary) subscriptions today: vesterbro (well, I’ll keep that one permanent), foocamp, “new york”+”september 18” (classydee and morten – we better get going), and sebastopol.

This way you can **subscribe to all the recent links with the tag of your choice**.

I met Nikolaj briefly at the Reboot7 conference in Copenhagen, and Peter Rukavina hung out with him. (It turns out in a blog comment that we both [adore the same coffee machines]( Nikolaj was one of the men behind the conference, and from the stage he introduced all presentations – with some aplomb, actually.

Using wiki as CMS

Peter Rukavina’s neighbours, Silverorange, got their stuff in gear and set up a very beautiful MediaWiki installation which they dubbed WikiPEI (that’s Prince Edward Island, to you).

Steven Garrity blogs about it in his blog Acts of Volition.

It’s refreshing to see more of the meme WikiAsWebsite, and Steven [has made a list]( of examples in the field.

The more different uses that wikis can be used for, the better.

Flickr search plugin for Firefox

The productive Christian Heindel, who created the Plazes .NET launcher has done it again. A Firefox search plugin for public Flickr tags.

That means that what I wanted to do before is now very, very easy.

And the search for [freeform]( works like it should. [Roleplaying]( yields the same Stockholm pictures, now in more traditional RPG company. Who wants to take pictures of dice, and then publish them?

Stockholm freeform photos

Opening scene

Originally uploaded by Tobias Wrigstad.

This is a photo from Tobias’ Flickr stream of photos. It was taken during a freeform role-playing game at his place.

Jaakko, Thorbiörn, Emma, Joc, Maja and Fredrik Axelzon. A dream team of roleplayers. My envy is great, and I miss them much.

At Flickr, I tagged the photos with a few tags of my own (they were untagged), which can be useful for future finding. I mean, just searching for “freeform” at Flickr, and get a game in pictures, would that not be very nice?