Web tools link dump from last night

Yesterday, at Forskningsavdelningen (geeking every Tuesday night!) we had a blazingly fast run-through of web tools. This link-dump will probably be amended. I had time to set up a Redis, and do a test run with Rediska – a PHP interface to Redis. It worked, and it’s in PHP. I was more impressed with the …

A regular Tuesday at the Forsk

Tuesday Forsk yesterday, it was awesome. Just great. People were their normal selves, but everyone just had that extra edge of greatness that night. It begun with a minor planning meeting in one corner. Pragmatic. Anna F came by and planned her workshop. StG had worked on his Rbox project, and murmured “Do you want …

Etching nametags, collection of resources

Looking around for etching stuff. People with machines have a lack of taste. Explanation of what I want to do. Make signs, one for each engineer. I admire his technical skill Envious of these machines a Polish website on laminates have pictures. They mention Rowmark (“Great people, great plastic”. Amazing.) Do you have any thoughts …

Peter Stuge of coreboot now blogs

Recently, the word “hacker” has created turmoil where I live. A friend who develops amazing things has written a bit about it. I want to frame his story by this back-and-forth between us: Me: “The Web has enormous reach.” Peter Stuge: “Yes, unfortunately.” In an unthinkable turn of events, this man took up blogging in …