Delicious: Re-use of metadata

I have now added even more stuff to that bloated sidebar of mine. Perhaps you also have a delicious feed, and a WordPress blog? [Grab this plugin]( to get started. The folks at have made it really simple to use their data. Just look at [their documentation of their HTML feeds]( > HTML feeds …

Testing: Ruby, Watir & more

Hi folks. I’ve been busy pushing out a little micro-small shopping cart system, but multiple projects keep dragging on, and “project hang” locks me down. I am getting things done, but there’s just much of it all. Today I needed a smarter way of walking through a series of screens to “buy a certain product” …

Crazy operators: J, a different creature

Warning to non-geek readers: This might be the most in-bred geek-talk posting ever to be made on this blog. Bear with me. Skip this post if functional programming and “different” languages is not on your plate. The web is bigger than this blog: check *it* out instead of my ramblings. If you are interested, read …

Automation of searching: Practical use of Factbites

Do you use a lot of time searching for the right information? I know I do. The meta-web-search site [FactBites]( can be a way of learning about stuff that you have an inkling of. Let’s take the word [monad]( and search for that: we get a rather extensive and eclectic list of stuff about different …

Even more talk about bread

[Cissi]( in Malmö, Sweden, is also having [bread thoughts]( > […] I cut out the soft bread from my diet, I might get a nice loaf once in a while but never again in a plastic bag from one of the commercial bakeries. I just realized how much they suck. And I will start making …

OlleOlleOlle in “the news”

[Peter Rukavina]( blogs about Olleolleolle. I get credit for my lack of show-off tendencies in my web writing. That’s right: I’m self-employed. The bread I make (to pay for the bread I *bake*) comes from my entrepreneurial efforts in “the Internet industry”. The reception party is yet to come. (These ain’t the 90s, but a …