Copenhagen.rb: September meetup, minor review and or notes

Last night, a Ruby club meet, which was interesting, but the feeling I got was “you hadda have been at RailsConf”. And I wasn’t, so bummer. Informal atmosphere allows one to play with one’s laptop while others are reminiscing: ActiveWarehouse a data warehousing application. Could be very interesting. Funny: me and Isak had said “Let’s …

Go snippet away, Rubyboy

Just started my morning with fixing a personal annoyance with the current Rails distribution I am using with Ruby 1.8.5: warning messages about deprecated syntax. All I did was heed the advice in the warnings and edit all the when and else control structures that were using colons to using semi-colons. After that, my Rails …

Copenhagen.rb meeting notes

Update: photos by Pelle. Syndication with AtomPub, APP and GData… and Rails Olle Jonsson “explores” some things you would want to do with Atom… and how Rails enables you to do it. Update: My somewhat confused slides now available (PDF). DHH on ActiveResource …and then I got lucky, and David was able to give us …

Dave Clarke quote

Computer scientist/bikeist Dave Clarke (05 Sep 2006) says (about Ruby on Rails being taught in colleges: I think there are many important computer science concepts to be learned from studying RoR. Typically, one should consider the language, be it Java, Ruby or C, to be the vehicle which helps one to learn concepts, rather than …

Copenhagen.rb loosely coupled

In a comment here, Jesper said: > This may be a good place to mention that Jakob Skjerning set up the [Copenhagen Rails mailing list]( (in Danish). Perhaps it even deserves a blog post. [Jakob]( says (translated from Danish): > We picked the name Copenhagen.rb after some thought. Primarily since it’s a well-spread way of …

Live report from the meetup (like a true geek)

**Update:** spelling, adding details, names, URLs. Sitting at the Copenhagen meetup, like some kind of backchannel geek. Typing. (There were five wireless networks around me, so I didn’t need the password to the bar where we sit. Quite a nice location, a quiet, loungy upstairs. I guess this post will be updated more than once. …