Rob’s childhood food description: Future of roleplaying texts?

[Robert Paterson]( writes about [the food of his just-post-war British childhood](, in a lovely voice. *This* is how roleplaying game texts should read. And, at the end of it, a simple axiom for how to play. (Is it < 800 words? Danish rpg convention Fastaval had a "daily magazine" this year, with a less-than-800-words scenario …

Read a book (Beyond Java, by that kayaker)

This weekend I had some wonderful spare time, and I spent some of it reading [Beyond Java](, a book about the Next Language. (Spoiler: It is [Ruby](, or some cool continuations-based project – read: [Seaside]( with Smalltalk. But you knew that.) The book is chock-full of kayaking metaphors, which got so irritating they became funny. …

Denmark is Dead: Great programmer booted out of the country

My neighbour Sean Treadway today posted a sad post – he is getting kicked out of the country: > So that’s all folks Denmark has evaluated that my contribution to the country through my freelance work is not of significant value. This is patently horrible. On so many levels. Sean’s one of the really great …

Technical “news”: New WordPress running this blog

Yes, now I’ve gone and done it: upgraded my blog to WP2. Took me a while to think it up, but now it’s done. Took me all of 10 minutes. 10 other minutes were used to back my files and database up. I know this for a fact since I wrote it down, and I’m …

Blogroll: So close to an Australian word

[Dr Dave]( “I have your blog in my blogroll. In Australia, bogroll means toiletpaper.” The reason I write this is that I was chuffed to see that my blog is in Mr Lumpley’s [Anyway]( blogroll. I am part of the Conversation, it seems. (Perhaps I should add something to it. But hey, see above, a …

Even more talk about bread

[Cissi]( in Malmö, Sweden, is also having [bread thoughts]( > […] I cut out the soft bread from my diet, I might get a nice loaf once in a while but never again in a plastic bag from one of the commercial bakeries. I just realized how much they suck. And I will start making …

Dropload: Send big files in email

[Dropload]( is one of those services that are needed. Badly. I think this baby could be put to some good use. Right, Dad? This is the full text of their service description: > Dropload is a place for you to drop your files off and have them picked up by someone else at a later …

OlleOlleOlle in “the news”

[Peter Rukavina]( blogs about Olleolleolle. I get credit for my lack of show-off tendencies in my web writing. That’s right: I’m self-employed. The bread I make (to pay for the bread I *bake*) comes from my entrepreneurial efforts in “the Internet industry”. The reception party is yet to come. (These ain’t the 90s, but a …

Kiva: Loans to microbusinesses in the third world

Today I read some Seth Godin, and it turns out he is a great person. (Who’s Seth? A marketing guru. (Read more at Wikipedia.) He explains the service Kiva, which is a “microlending system”. > Kiva lets you connect with and loan money to unique small businesses in the developing world. Read more about Kiva’s …