Automate finding misspellings in source code

Typos and misspellings in code can be difficult. Finding them and keeping them out takes vigilance. Lots of mental energy wasted. The misspellings tool written in Python can be installed using pip install misspellings. This tool looks for commonly misspelled words in source code. It has a built-in list of common spelling mistakes. Example: List …

How to use very latest Bundler in Travis

TL;DR: When Bundler has fixes in master that you need, use the specific_install Rubygems plugin to install and use Bundler directly from a git branch. Example Travis YAML configuration excerpt: before_install: – gem update –system – gem install specific_install – gem specific_install I will spend the rest of this post unpacking what the above means. …

A disciplined method to fix Rubocop TODOs

Here, a listicle of advice you never asked for! A method to locate and fix linting errors in Rubocop one at a time: choose a “cop” from the .rubocop_todo.yml file remove the line which includes the .rubocop_todo.yml rubocop –only Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier fix issues and test fixes with the –only invocation rubocop –auto-gen-config to regenerate the .rubocop_todo.yml …

Looking forward to PolyConf 2015

On Wednesday, I once again journey south, to Poznan in Central Europe, to participate in the PolyConf programming conference. As every year, it is about getting new perspective on things, from happy and grumpy people in the field. The field of computering. I’m lucky to see some familiar faces in the list of people going there, and …

Kod100: Document a very old project

#kod100 is a thing. In Sweden. “Do FOSS stuff for a hundred consecutive days.” Keeping a log of it is optional. So, I’m dusting off WordPress. And trying. Things experienced in this session: Use the wp-cli command-line tool to manage WordPress. Until it’s completely package-stable, use it from the Git repository. Fine instructions at their …